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People gathered in the County City Building in South Bend, Indiana

This moment is calling you
to serve.

Yes, you have a lot on your plate. And yes, it takes work to step up and serve. But you are not alone. And 2024 is the time to do it.

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State Convention Delegates Needed!

Were you one of those people who liked group projects in school? Well, politics is one giant group project. And Democrats are the adults who get the work done. We need helpers like you to run for State Convention Delegate.


Becoming a State Convention Delegate for the Democratic Party is a great way to take action in 2024. As State Convention Delegate, you represent the 2nd Congressional District at the State Party Convention on July 13th in Indianapolis and cast your vote for party candidates.


Learn more and file by February 9th.

File to Run

  1. Download and complete the CAN37 form. The office is State Convention Delegate.

  2. Have the form notarized.

  3. File it with your county election office.

Important Dates

  • January 10th- Filing begins

  • February 9th at noon- Deadline to file

  • May 7th- Indiana Primary

  • July 13th- Indiana State Party Convention in Indianapolis

More information

What is a State Convention Delegate?


  • Delegates meet in their party's statewide convention. There they adopt party platforms and other statements of principle of policy. And they nominate candidates for statewide offices who are not nominated in the primary election. They also elect the National Convention Delegates.


How many elected State Convention Delegates are there in my county?


  • Cass- 7

  • Elkhart- 32

  • Fulton- 3

  • Kosciusko- 12

  • LaPorte- 36

  • Marshall- 8

  • Miami- 5

  • Pulaski- 2

  • St Joseph- 93

  • Starke- 4

  • Wabash- 5


Is there a filing fee?


  • No. There is no cost to file for delegate or any other office in Indiana.


What happens after I file?


  • If you have a contested race you will appear on the primary ballot. Encourage people to come and vote for you. If you do not have an uncontested race, meaning the exact number or less of the number of delegates needed has not been met, then the clerk may not include State Convention Delegates on the ballot and you will become a delegate after the election.


Do I have to cover the costs to go to the Democratic State Party Convention?


  • Yes. Your county party will likely ask you to cover an assessment fee that could be $35 to $50. And you will also need to cover your travel costs to attend the convention in Indianapolis. You can fundraise to help cover your costs.


If I run, can I be a poll worker?


  • If your name will appear on the ballot in a contested race then no, you cannot be a poll worker for the primary election. If it is an uncontested race, the county election board may pass a resolution to allow uncontested candidates to serve as poll workers. So check with your county to see if such a resolution was passed.


Can I run while holding another elected office?


  • Yes, you can hold another office and run for State Convention Delegate.


Can I run for State Convention Delegate as well as another office?


  • Yes, you can run for State Convention Delegate as well as another elected office in the same primary.


Can I also run for the National Convention Delegate?


  • Yes, it is encouraged that you run for a State Convention Delegate first. The State Convention Delegates elect the National Convention Delegates. Indiana Congressional District 2 will have only 5 district delegates at the National Convention.


Can I also run to be Precinct Committee Chair?


  • State Delegate is the only party office on the primary ballot in 2024. Democrats will vote on precinct chairs again in May of 2026.


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The Kitchen Cabinet

North Central Indiana Democrats

We are volunteers located across North Central Indiana.

Contact us at:


P.O. Box 153

South Bend, IN 46624

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